Snyder Community Resource Center is a non-profit organization devoted to helping people take a step forward. This umbrella organization contains different agencies that meet specific needs.
We are organized to provide emergency assistance to families, children and individuals to live safe, stable and self-sufficient lives. We endeavor to educate the general public about the dangers and the negative impact on families and communities of drug and alcohol addictions. Our organization is formulated to promote assistance to those in the community who are seeking assistance in the recovery of alcohol and drug addictions and/or are in need of housing, clothing, food, and general life necessities. This agency has been established to provide a positive and supportive environment for families, children and individuals facing a life crisis by offering opportunities to socialize and confide among others facing similar situations. Through strategic partnerships, our organization endeavors to streamline community assistance to individuals and families while reducing the abuse of the community’s generosity.
iCare Our emergency assistance program was developed to assist individuals and families in times of crisis with specific assistance. iCare is an effort to streamline assistance to individuals and families while reducing the abuse of the community’s generosity.
S.A.N.A Snyder Area Naturalization Assistance desires to help immigrants willing to work toward becoming legal citizens or obtaining legal residency.
C.A.D.A. The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse is an agency striving to assist individuals and their families with necessary treatment options. C.A.D.A. provides referrals to counselors and treatment facilities as well as information and support to families who have been affected by the loved ones in the grasp of life-controlling habits.
C.C.I. Community Care Initiative targets specific needs for our community through relationship, referrals, and advocacy. The goal of CCI is to provide care for the whole person.
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 10am-4ppm
iCare Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1pm-4pm
iCare Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1pm-4pm
Contact us:
Call Us: (325) 436-0294
1809 College Ave Snyder, Texas 79549
Choose a location
1809 College Ave
Snyder, Texas 79549
Snyder, Texas 79549